Public Services
Since 1992, Canada Fibers has been a trusted provider of municipal waste and recycling services.

With a reputation for creating superior value from recovered material and a commitment to remaining on the forefront of technological advancements, Canada Fibers has the capacity to sort, segregate and market a full range of municipal recyclable materials and presently handles 60% of Ontario’s Blue Box municipal recycling, holding longstanding contracts with municipalities such as the City of Toronto, City of Hamilton, Regional Municipality of Peel and the City of Greater Sudbury.
Canada Fibers offers complete, creative waste diversion solutions and leads the industry in transforming abundant and harmful waste products into valuable secondary resources.
Municipal Waste Recycling Program
We are Urban Miners, mining resources above ground from the waste stream so that we do not need to extract precious resources from the earth itself. We lead our industry in conserving resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and saving landfill capacity by sorting, separating and recovering cardboard, paper, plastics 1-7, metals, aluminum and dry mixed/single stream generated from municipal, institutional, commercial and industrial sectors.
Brokerage and supply chain has been a fundamental element of Canada Fibers’ business since its inception in 1990. Canada Fibers’ advanced technological systems have the capacity to recover and upgrade material to its maximum value, and with its vast network of domestic and export markets, Canada Fibers has reliably supported the global movement of material under all market conditions.
EU: municipal waste recycling rate by country 2019 | Statista