Urban Garden Products

urban garden products

Urban Garden Products manufactures a wide range of products that are used for composting, landscaping, colour enhanced garden mulches, animal bedding, fuel and as a component of building materials for construction and furniture.

Every Urban Garden Product is environmentally friendly. By collecting and reclaiming clean wood, Urban Garden Products has become a successful business that reduces tree cutting and eases the burden on scarce landfill space.

Effective in the control of weed growth and inhibiting wind and water erosion, Urban Garden Products mulch reduces unnecessary tree-cutting, eases the burden on limited landfill space and is guaranteed to be in adherence to our high-quality specifications.

Available in black, brown, red, and natural colours.


Urban Garden Products is an affiliate of Canada Fibers, as part of the Urban Resource Group.  Learn more about how Urban Garden Products are an efficient, cost-effective and environmentally-responsible heating fuel choice.


Head Office:

25198 Hwy#48, Sutton West, ON L0E 1R0

Phone: 905-722-7774

Wood Recovery Facility:

20 Freshway Dr., Concord, ON L4K 1R3

Phone: 905-669-4340


Brian Ainscough

office:  905-669-4340 ext 229

fax:  905-669-2970

cell:  416-407-2480


Sue Popadynec CSP

office: 905-722-7774

fax: 905-722-7974

cell:  289-383-6375


An Introduction to Urban Farming, Types, Ideas, and Benefits

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